The Research Study
*This study is being completed as a partial requirement of the Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) program. It was reviewed and approved by The Chicago School of Professional Psychology’s Institutional Review Board on August 12, 2020.
Can you answer yes to all of the following questions?
If so, keep reading to learn more about my dissertation! Or hit the button below to contact me!
Do you identify as bisexual?
Are you a cisgender woman?
Do you self-identify as Black, African American, or Black American?
Are you out to at least one important person in your life?
Are you at least 22 years old but no older than 99 years old?
Were you born and raised in the United States?
Can you read, write, and speak English fluently?
Study Details
The purpose of this study is to examine the intersection of sexual identity and racial identity for bisexual black women in the African American community. Many identity development models do not discuss how one’s various identities interact to form life experiences and worldviews (Floro, 2018). Racial identity and sexual identity develop in tandem, not in isolation (Kim & Epstein, 2018) and providing a space for that development to be researched and discussed is important in creating understanding in how dual identities are held and what identity conflicts occur for bisexual Black women. The stories and experiences of these women will be collected through semi-structured interviews in order to capture the essence of this group’s multiple identities.
An approximately 60-90 minute semi-structured virtual interview will take place in order to gather information. During the interview, I will ask questions about your coming out process, what it has been like for your as you came to terms with your sexual identity, and any inner-conflicts you may have experienced due to ties to African American culture. Other relevant questions may be asked during the interview as well. Interviews will be audio recorded but no identifying information will be recorded.
During the study, information such as age, education level, religion, socioeconomic status, and ethnicity will be collected for the purpose of this research. Identifying information will be kept separate from the interview information and will be destroyed once the study is completed. Any physical data will be stored in a locked box accessible only to me while the study is being conducted and completed. Electronic data will be stored in a password protected flashdrive that will be stored in the same locked box as any physical data. Participants will be given a pseudonym and any information obtained during interviews will not be personally identifiable in the written portion of the study.
All data collected through audio recordings will be immediately and permanently destroyed once it is transcribed. These recordings will be stored in a password protected flashdrive that will be stored in the same locked box that physical data will be stored. Other physical data will be stored in a locked box accessible only to me for five years per the guidelines of The American Psychological Association. After five years, any other data collected, such as field notes, will be shredded. Once the study is completed, results will be posted on this website where participants will be able to access them.